The Serpent

Often seen on royalty and deity in ancient Egypt, the serpent also represented the beginning and end of time. The uraeus, worn by the Pharaoh as a golden emblem like a crown, symbolized power and magic.

The Ankh

Used as a symbol of life, it resembles a cross with a loop instead of the top arm. Egyptian gods are often portrayed carrying it by its loop, or bearing one in each hand with arms crossed over their chest.

The Star

Seba is the Egyptian symbol for star, which means discipline or learning. It is also associated with doorways and gates. The early Egyptians took a great interest in astrology as it informed their calendar and their beliefs in the after life. The ceilings of their temples were decorated with images of astral deities, constellations and stars. The stars were supposed to represent the souls of the dead and considered the followers of Osiris.

The Scarab

Amulets lent their magical protection and good luck to the wearer against the dangers of this world and beyond. A beetle, with their name inscribed on the flat base, would be placed over the deceased heart, so they could safely move on to the afterlife.

The Hand of Fatima

It is a palm-shaped amulet depicting an open right hand to protect against the evil eye.

The Crescent

A symbol of motherhood & fertility. Among the most powerful of all the amulets, the crescent is said to bring good fortune to mothers and their kin. In ancient Egypt, the crescent moon was the symbol of Isis, the Mother of the Gods. As the Queen of Egypt, Isis was the protector of motherhood, women, and healer of the sick. She also ruled magic.

The Lotus

This flower extends out of the water, and blossoms into fifteen oval-shaped petals. It retracts into the water at the night, and emerges fresh the next day. Hieroglyphics commonly associated a blue lotus with the sun and creation.

The Eye of Horus

This is an ancient Egyptian symbol of protection, royal power, and good health.

The Bird

Bennu is the Egyptian word for Phoenix and was one of the most important religious symbols in the mythology of ancient Egypt. It symbolizes resurrection and the rising sun. The 'Bennu' Bird was believed to represent the soul of the Ra, the supreme Sun God and it was also synonymous with the City of Heliopolis, Egypt. An important artefact of Heliopolis, was the sacred Ished Tree, the Tree of Life which was the Seat of the Bennu Bird.



Its colour is similar to the tropical sea, and represents joy, cleanliness, and pleasure. Turquoise was often found in tombs and burial objects, presumably to protect the deceased on their journey to the afterlife.


Both the ancient Egyptians and Babylonians are said to have used the opal as a protective talisman against disease. One story says that the storm god, jealous of the rainbow god, broke the rainbow. The pieces fell to earth, and became part of the opal.

Rose Quartz

Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans all believed that this gemstone possessed strong magical powers, and used them as talismans. Egyptians also thought that rose quartz had the ability to slow down the aging process, and carved these rocks into facial masks.


Ancient Egyptians, Meso-Americans, and Chinese usually placed jade in the mouths of their departed to represent the heart. They revered jade as the stone of balance, harmony, love, and inner peace.